Energy Efficiency

Being Responsible
The aluminium industry recognizes that it is an energy-intensive industry and is particularly concerned about the responsible use of energy. Inefficient use of energy depletes natural resources and may threaten climate change.

Energy Efficient
Because producing aluminium is energy intensive, the industry constantly focuses on the efficient use of energy. There is no energy alternative to electricity, which incurs a huge part of aluminium production costs.

The industry has its own interests at stake in becoming more energy efficient. The efficiency of aluminium smelters has shown a steady improvement since the 1950s, and electricity consumption has fallen by more than a third over that same period.

The Energy Bank
Aluminium products can be endlessly recycled, using only 5% of the energy that would be expanded in primary aluminium production. Aluminium products are therefore an intrinsic and formidable source of energy, and can be regarded as an ‘energy bank’.

The recycling of used aluminium products is thus both energy-efficient and cost-efficient. In Europe, 40% of the 13.2 million tonnes of aluminium used in 2006 came from recycling (Source: European Aluminium Association). Inefficient use of energy depletes natural resources and may threaten climate change.
